This is the latest update post for zashit666. I have uploaded a totally new catalog of songs last night to highlight what I think is the best current set of songs for each solo artist... Some of the ones on the previous incarnation on this site were really bad. I decided to rectify this by not including songs that were really artificial and had to carefully pick and choose the right ones. Due to this Retro Evisceration is no longer here... That is bad but to make up for it I did a totally new playlist for 2009-2012 unleashing vengeance that has a lot more 2010 stuff and has 2013 stuff from unadulterated brutality. The 2013-2014 playlist also has way better choices and so does the caustic euphony one as well... The thrashfest one and the unleashing vengeance 2018-2020 one has better choices for 2019-2020 songs and includes way more songs from that period.
Today the page got some views... This is a start to what hopefully will be more views for unleashing vengeance, and eventually a big fanbase for my solo artists, here in Massachusetts...
To see just how this is going, go here to my mastodon. I talk about the my music all the time there and its a way better source for whats going on than this blog because this blog is SLOW AS HELL and that needs to change before I will start to do regular blog posts...