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Don't even bother with most upload sites today for music...


Writing music is hard... Getting it out there is even harder... For years I've tried to get my music out there... I started with myspace music... While that did well for a while, it eventually failed when autoplay was turned off... Someone complained about it it. I then Went to reverbnation... It was fine for a while till production problems hit around the same time autoplay was again disabled... I eventually would try soundcloud.

Soundcloud was good for me back in 2014 and my songs got played there in large numbers (1000-2000)... That's a LOT for indie music... But eventually I left... Fans eventually abandoned my music as well there leaving me to find indie music sites that did not suck...

A lot did... A lot had big issues... People rating my music terrible, spam on the site, lack of plays, you name it. My music getting hacked and the genre changed to rap, and worse... Eventually I settled on Jamendo... It was fine... But then they decided to force people to upload ID documents that had their ID in the document to "PROVE" these people were real people... This was needed to publish tracks all of the sudden, and I left due to that.

I tried soundcloud later and it sucked... I then tried this new site called Audius... It for a while did great for my music till I uploaded caustic euphony there, weirdly... Being my best music ever I thought it would get lots of plays... It did not... It got almost none... I left and found out soundcloud did better for caustic euphony than audius did... I then tried It was a total disaster as all the fans were bots and acted like idiot rap fans and called me stupid rap based names I won't even say here, expecting me to be a rapper, which I wasn't... Apparently their bots assumed I was a rap musician when I wasn't, weirdly this is the second time this happened to me... A black metal solo artist I did got called rap and everyone started spamming me on twitter over it and I had to block 300+ rap promoters, rap fans and worse one december.. I was using several methods to market my music. I went to twitter to market it but eventually people flagged something for spam and I soon left twitter forever for a much better site geared towards artists called Ello... That got me LOTS of views per post and I did well there...

I found one good site however, out of the seemingly hundreds of bad ones I tried that was good, just before I opened this site... This site, indiesound, actually did fairly well for me. On the charts, I was getting respectable chart positions for indie extreme metal, respectable being around 200-300... I even got 90-100 on some songs... I got lucky but it was worth it... However, I still didn't like the site, as a lot of really bad musicians started to call their crappy music metal to try to compete with me and for a while it worked... Currently I am a contender, but my stuff is no longer even #1 in metal there... But it's at least top 5... To list the very bad sites I tried would take forever.. The top 10 offenders are however these: 10 - soundclick - site that is filled with trolls that rate good music with low scores... 9 - thesixtyone - not worth it, your music barely gets played 8 - bandcamp - filled with elitist trash, avoid... They skip good music 7 - reverbnation - if you have to cheat to get good here, and you have to viral market your own music, it sucks 6 - soundcloud - too many damn spambots, and fans are fickle as hell there 5 - - not a good site, and I got very few plays for 2008 caustic euphony here... 4 - - spams malware on the site 3 - jamendo - stupid ID document rules 2 - - stupid charts site that tries to dethrone you by making music above you get competition tied with them that drops you in the charts 1 - - terrible metal only music upload site, 1 play in 1 year for retro evisceration here, it sucks...


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